Security Bounty Program


Data security and privacy are key aspects of our service as laid out in our Security Policy.

We welcome outside help through our bounty program to make us aware of any gaps in our security.

To participate you will need to follow a few rules:

  • Be a good citizen. Do not disturb the service. Follow the terms and conditions.
  • Only test with your data. Do not interact with other accounts.
  • Create only few user accounts.
  • If you gain access to our system, report it immediately.
  • Do not publish any information regarding the vulnerability until we have fixed it.

Finally, please keep in mind this security bounty program doesn’t concern regular bugs in our application or APIs. We're only interested in security flaws allowing intruders to gain access to data of other users. If you wish to report a regular bug use the contact form.

Reports we're interested in

  • Tampering with data of other users.
  • Bypassing our API's security.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Server-side code execution.

In scope

Examples of Non-Qualifying exploits

  • Denial of service attacks.
  • Social engineering.

Reports we don't want

  • SSL or DNS best practices (DNSSEC, CAA)
    We review those regularly
  • Hardware or CPU related (e.g. BEAST, CRIME, BREACH, Lucky Thirteen)
    Unless shown how they can exploited through our website or API
  • Email spoofing, SPF, DMARC & DKIM
  • Auto-expire password or force users to regular change passwords
    We believe users should use password managers and two-factor authentication these days
  • Choosing weak password during registration
    We display a password strength estimation (weak, medium, strong) below the password field. Estimating is hard so we allow users to ignore our advise. Password must still be at least 8 characters long.
  • Enabling autocomplete=off attribute on password fields
    Modern browsers ignore the attribute
  • Issues concerning:
    The site is hosted by a third party and outside of our control
  • Found OpenCage geocoding API key on a public website
    We ask our users to secure their API keys, but exposure itself is not a security issue
  • Mass submitting contact form
    There's limits by IP, address, timing, total number in place
  • Passwords over 512 character length cause error
    The error is instant, thus no DOS effect
  • Email addresses extracted from stealer logs. Those aren't an indication of leaks from our systems, but originate from malware on users' computers. We're happy to disable any affected accounts but lists we received so far didn't didn't match email addresses in our records. The lists seem to be low quality, very old (already dealt with years ago) or possibly fake.


Our reward system is flexible and doesn't have any strict upper or lower limit. The amount of the reward will depend on the severity of the vulnerability. The amount of the reward and whether or not a vulnerability qualifies will be at our sole discretion.

Rewards will be sent by bank transfer (Wise if the recipient is not in the Eurozone, we will not make financial rewards to countries not supported by Wise) once the vulnerability has been fixed and the reporter has supplied a valid invoice. All international transfer and conversion fees will be paid by the recipient.

We only award one bounty per vulnerability. If we receive multiple reports, the first one will receive the reward.

Report submission

Please submit to the email address in our security.txt file.

Hall of Fame

Thanks to the following researchers who have helped us debug various issues.

  • Michal Biesiada
    security.txt and related encryption key pair date expired.
  • Gaurav Wagh
    Subdomain pointed to a third-party service we no longer used. That service didn't enforce ssh login rate limiting.
  • Kamil Rahuman
    Dockerfile was accessible on our blog.
  • Sankalpa Baral
    Rapid resetting of own password could lead to race condition (and user confusion)
  • Om Dubey
    Made us aware we were not adequately handling all aspects of the hand-off from Stripe post-purchase.
  • Md Sojib Islam Nirob
    Setting email address as password is insecure and we block that on signup and update email feature. We forgot to do the same on reset password feature.
  • Srikar V
    Visiting the enable-two-factor directly in a later session would display the already used initial setup (QR) code again.
  • Ranjeet Kumar Singh
    When multiple email change processes were initiated a user could be confused which email confirmation link to click (emails are already unique and contain all information to distinguish them).
  • Fahimhusain Raydurg
    Optimiztion of Content-Security-Policy settings
  • Swapnil Kothawade
    The wiki pages of perl-Geo-Address-Formatter were editable.
  • Burhan Chhotaudepur
    Better limits for users validating discount codes
  • Brandon Roldan
    Limits against brute-forcing to create additional keys
  • Fahimhusain Raydurg
    Providing huge amount of feedback text during account deletion caused website to become unresponsive
  • Ranjeet Singh
    Tracing a possible email related log4j issue (turned out to be harmless and outside our systems)
  • Shivam Pandey
    Website session handling across multiple devices; Slack security token found in a public repository (could've been used to send us messages)
  • Aman Rai
    How the password strength estimation on sign up page can consume too much CPU
  • Virendra Tiwari
    Better hiding of software version numbers in HTTP headers
  • Armanul Miraz
    Better hiding of software version numbers in HTTP headers
  • Kunal Mishra
    Faster account locking on failed password verification in the user dashboard (when user is already signed in)
  • Tinu Tomy
    Wiki page on public repositories was editable; On incomplete 2FA setup users were able to lock themselves out
  • Anurag Muley
    HTTP Header misconfiguration on our blog
  • Nishant
    Better password advice
  • Nitin Gavhane
    Lower limits for storing user-supplied account data
  • Pritam Mukherjee
    Iframing protection on one of our blogs was not active after a framework upgrade
  • Ayham Alhamza
    Open redirection

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