Background, examples and recipes for common use cases and questions
Overview / General Background
Why Open Data?
What benefits does open data offer?
Geocoding vs Geosearch
What is the difference between geocoding and geosearch?
Geocoding > Concepts
Reverse Geocoding
All aspects of converting coordinates into location information.
Comparing and testing geocoding services
Evaluating geocoding services.
Geocoding and postal codes
Common questions and misunderstandings related to post codes.
Permanent location identifiers
Common questions and misunderstandings related to permanent location ids.
Geocoding > Tips for using the OpenCage Geocoding API
Formatting your geocoding query
Clean up your geocoding queries to get the results you want.
Speed up your geocoding
Run your geocoding faster.
Geocoding large datasets
Points to consider when processing massive volumes of locations.
Geocoding accuracy
Is this the result you are looking for?
Using OpenCage together with other geocoders
Use us for your first pass to dramatically reduce costs.
Limit API results to a certain country or region
Only get the geocoding results you need.
Formatting Addresses
Presenting location information in the format users expect.
Show an imprecise location
Show only a rough or imprecise location to preserve privacy.
Geocoding > Spreadsheets
Formatting your spreadsheet
Preparing your spreadsheet gives us the best chance of geocoding each line correctly
Geocoding > Recipes for common situatons
Putting results on a map
How to display geocoding results on a map.
Convert image GPS coordinates into location information
How to turn image coordinates into useful location information.
Convert coordinates to country
Determining which country coordinates are located in.
Convert locations to NUTS codes
Find the EU NUTS codes for an address or coordinates.
Convert locations to time zone
Find the time zone for an address or coordinates.
Determine the ISO codes for a location
Map coordinates or addresses to ISO 3166 codes.
Determine the county for an address
Which county is this address in?
Get the information for a UN/LOCODE
Search for UN/LOCODEs.
Geocoding > Migrating to OpenCage
- Cost comparison with Google Maps geocoding
Migrating from Google Maps
Switch to OpenCage from Google Maps geocoding.
Migrating from Nominatim
Switch to OpenCage from Nominatim.
Geocoding > Dealing with API keys
Replacing your geocoding API key
How to deactivate an API key and create a new one.
Protect your API key
Best practices for keeping your API key safe.
Geocoding > Other topics
Writing an SDK or integration for the OpenCage Geocoding API
Step-by-step guide to writing an SDK for our geocoding API.
Geosearch / Autosuggest
What is Geosearch?
Helping users turn search queries into locations.
Why is geosearch needed?
Location search is not the same as traditional web search.
Consumer expectations for location search
UX challenges in building a location autosuggest.
Geosearch: Technical Considerations
Technical challenges in building a location autosuggest.
Other Geolocation Technologies
Browser Geolocation
Determine a user's location with browser geolocation.
IP Geolocation
What is IP geolocation? How does it differ from geocoding?
This image shows the node density of OpenStreetMap data in summer 2015.
It's one of many data sources we use.
Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery © Martin Raifer, cc-by
Open as larger interactive map
It's one of many data sources we use.
Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery © Martin Raifer, cc-by
Open as larger interactive map