This is a tutorial for using the
OpenCage geocoding API
in Java.
Topics covered in this tutorial
- General Background
- Installing JOpenCage
- Reverse geocoding
- Forward geocoding
- Geocoding a list of places
- Error Handling
- Further reading
The code examples below will use your geocoding API key once you
log in.
Before we dive in to the tutorial
- Sign up for an OpenCage geocoding API key.
- Play with the demo page, so that you see the actual response the API returns.
- Browse the API reference, so you understand the optional parameters, best practices, possible response codes, and the rate limiting on free trial accounts.
Add JOpenCage as a dependency to your maven or gradle project
Following the library's usage instructionsReverse (coordinates to address) Example
Send a coordinate pair (latitude, longitude) and receive an addressJOpenCageGeocoder jOpenCageGeocoder = new JOpenCageGeocoder("YOUR-API-KEY");
JOpenCageReverseRequest request = new JOpenCageReverseRequest(41.40015, 2.15765);
request.setLanguage("es"); // show results in a specific language using an IETF format language code
request.setLimit(5); // only return the first 5 results (default is 10)
request.setNoAnnotations(true); // exclude additional info such as calling code, timezone, and currency
request.setMinConfidence(3); // restrict to results with a confidence rating of at least 3 (out of 10)
JOpenCageResponse response = jOpenCageGeocoder.reverse(request);
// get the formatted address of the first result:
String formattedAddress = response.getResults().get(0).getFormatted();
// formattedAddress is now 'Travessera de Gràcia, 142, 08012 Barcelona, España'
Forward (address to coordinates) Example
Send an address and receive a coordinate pair. Format your address according to the steps laid out in our guide to query formatting.JOpenCageGeocoder jOpenCageGeocoder = new JOpenCageGeocoder("YOUR-API-KEY");
JOpenCageForwardRequest request = new JOpenCageForwardRequest("375 Albert Rd, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7915, South Africa");
request.setRestrictToCountryCode("za"); // restrict results to a specific country
request.setBounds(18.367, -34.109, 18.770, -33.704); // restrict results to a geographic bounding box (southWestLng, southWestLat, northEastLng, northEastLat)
JOpenCageResponse response = jOpenCageGeocoder.forward(request);
JOpenCageLatLng firstResultLatLng = response.getFirstPosition(); // get the coordinate pair of the first result
System.out.println(firstResultLatLng.getLat().toString() + "," + firstResultLatLng.getLng().toString());
// prints -33.9275623,18.4571101
Batch Geocode a List of Addresses from a File
This example is for forward geocoding a list of addresses; the process to reverse geocode a list of coordinate pairs would be similar. Start with a text file of addresses formatted according to the steps laid out in our guide to query formatting.// myAddresses.txt
25 Queen Victoria St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 183, 16032 Camogli GE, Italy
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Iguazu National Park, Brazil
Stanford, 7210, South Africa
// Read the file and geocode the addresses:
JOpenCageGeocoder jOpenCageGeocoder = new JOpenCageGeocoder("YOUR-API-KEY");
InputStream inputFile = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("myAddresses.txt");
List<String> listOfAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
listOfAddresses = br.lines().collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Unable to read file");
System.out.println("Latitude, Longitude:");
for (String address : listOfAddresses) {
JOpenCageForwardRequest request = new JOpenCageForwardRequest(address);
JOpenCageResponse response = this.jOpenCageGeocoder.forward(request);
if (response != null && response.getResults() != null && !response.getResults().isEmpty()) {
JOpenCageLatLng coordinates = response.getResults().get(0).getGeometry();
System.out.println(coordinates.getLat().toString() + "," + coordinates.getLng().toString());
} else {
System.out.println("Unable to geocode input address: " + address);
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // free trial accounts limited to 1 request/sec
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Error handling
In the case of an error, an appropriate error message will be logged, such as:-
400: "Invalid request (bad request; a required parameter is missing)!"
401: "Invalid or missing API key!"
402: "Valid request but quota exceeded (payment required)!"
403: "Forbidden. API key blocked"