jq Geocoding Tutorial

jq is a powerful command-line tool for manipulating JSON data. However its syntax for using jq effectively can be a bit cryptic, and requires knowing the structure of the JSON being parsed. (jq homepage)

To save you time in this tutorial we lay out some examples of common use cases around parsing the JSON format of our geocoding API results.

Note: jq works on local JSON data, it does not fetch the data from our API. You can do that with a command-line tool like curl, wget, or similar, or have a script (in whichever programming language) that calls the API and stores the JSON response data in a file. Either way you then pipe the data to jq.

For readability in our examples below we will assume the data has been fetched already (by whatever means) and stored as the file api_response.json


Print the formatted value of the first result

Display the formatted value of the first (0th) entry in the results array.

cat api_response.json | jq '.results[0].formatted'

Print the formatted value of all results

Display the formatted value of each entry in the results list.

cat api_response.json | jq '.results[].formatted'

Print multiple components values

Display the country_code and country values within the components portion of the first result

cat api_response.json | jq '.results[0].components | .country, .country_code'

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