Perl Geocoding Tutorial

This is a tutorial for using the OpenCage geocoding API in Perl.

Topics covered in this tutorial


The code examples below will use your geocoding API key once you log in.

Before we dive in to the tutorial

  1. Sign up for an OpenCage geocoding API key.
  2. Play with the demo page, so that you see the actual response the API returns.
  3. Browse the API reference, so you understand the optional parameters, best practices, possible response codes, and the rate limiting on free trial accounts.

Install the OpenCage Perl geocoding module

# install with cpanm
$ cpanm Geo::Coder::OpenCage

Please note: by default Geo::Coder::OpenCage makes all requests via https. Please ensure you are able to make https requests, or specify the optional http => 1 parameter to the new method when creating the Geo::Coder::OpenCage object to make http rather than https requests.

Forward Geocoding - address to coordinates

use Geo::Coder::OpenCage;

my $Geocoder = Geo::Coder::OpenCage->new(
    api_key => 'YOUR-API-KEY',

# see the full list of optional parameters:
# note: no need to URI encode location, module does that for you
my $response = $Geocoder->geocode(
    location => "Псковская улица, Санкт-Петербург, Россия",
    language => "ru",
    countrycode => "ru",

Reverse Geocoding - coordinates to address

use Geo::Coder::OpenCage;

my $Geocoder = Geo::Coder::OpenCage->new(
    api_key => 'YOUR-API-KEY',
    abbrv => 1,

my $response = $Geocoder->reverse_geocode(lat => -22.6792, lng => 14.5272);
# get first result
my $result = $response->{results}[0];

my $nicename = $result->{formatted};
# $nicename is now "Beryl's Restaurant, Woermann St, Swakopmund, Namibia"

# see full list of all the annotations

my $geohash = $result->{annotations}->{geohash};
# $geohash is now "k7fqfx6h5jbq5tn8tnpn"

Batch geocode addresses

use Geo::Coder::OpenCage;

my @places = ('London', 'Paris', 'Berlin');
my %results;

# loop through the list, geocoding each individually
foreach my $place (@places){
    my $response = $Geocoder->geocode(
        location => $place
    # $response is a hashref
    # see format:

    my $msg = $response->{status}->{message};
    if ($msg eq 'OK'){
        $results{$place} = $response->{results};
    } else {
        warn "failed to geocode $place : $msg";

Start your free trial

2,500 geocoding API requests per day.

No credit card required.