Ruby Geocoding Tutorial

This is a tutorial for using the OpenCage geocoding API in Ruby.

Topics covered in this tutorial


The code examples below will use your geocoding API key once you log in.

Before we dive in to the tutorial

  1. Sign up for an OpenCage geocoding API key.
  2. Play with the demo page, so that you see the actual response the API returns.
  3. Browse the API reference, so you understand the optional parameters, best practices, possible response codes, and the rate limiting on free trial accounts.

Ruby gems for accessing the OpenCage Geocoding API

There are three Ruby gems you can use:

Install the Ruby gem

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gem install opencage-geocoder

Or in your Gemfile:

source ''
gem 'opencage-geocoder'

Convert latitude, longitude to an address (reverse geocoding)

require 'opencage/geocoder'

geocoder = 'YOUR-API-KEY')

result = geocoder.reverse_geocode(51.5019951, -0.0698806)
p result.address
# "Reeds Wharf, 33 Mill Street, London SE15, United Kingdom"
p result.confidence
# 9

Address or place name to coordinates (forward geocoding)

require 'opencage/geocoder'

geocoder = 'YOUR-API-KEY')

# no need to URI encode the query, the library takes care of it for us
results = geocoder.geocode('82 Clerkenwell Road, London, UK')
p results.first.coordinates
# [ 51.52215, -0.10083 ]
# 51.52215
p results.first.lng
# -0.10083

results = geocoder.geocode('Manchester')
results.each { |res| p res.address }
# "Manchester, England, United Kingdom"
# "Manchester, New Hampshire, United States of America"
# "Manchester, IA 52057, United States of America"
# "Manchester, KY 40962, United States of America"
# ...

# We want a place in Canada and results in French
results = geocoder.geocode('Manchester', countrycode: 'CA', language: 'fr')
p results.first.address
# "Manchester, NS, Canada"
p results.first.components
# {
#            "_category" => "place", 
#                "_type" => "village", 
#              "village" => "Manchester"
#                "state" => "Nouvelle-Écosse", # Nova Scotia
#           "state_code" => "NS", 
#              "country" => "Canada", 
#         "country_code" => "ca", 
#            "continent" => "North America", 
#   "ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" => "CA",
#   "ISO_3166-1_alpha-3" => "CAN", 
#           "ISO_3166-2" => ["CA-NS"], 
# }
p results.first.annotations.dig('currency', 'name')
# "Canadian Dollar"
p results.first.annotations.dig('currency', 'iso_code')
# "CAD"

Bulk-geocode places

This example geocodes each coordinate pair in a file in series.

Fill a text file queries.txt with queries:


Then loop through the file:

require 'opencage/geocoder'

geocoder = 'YOUR-API-KEY')

results = []
File.foreach('queries.txt') do |line|
  lat, lng = line.chomp.split(',')

    # Use Float() rather than #to_f because it will throw an ArgumentError if
    # there is an invalid line in the queries.txt file
    result = geocoder.reverse_geocode(Float(lat), Float(lng))
  rescue ArgumentError, OpenCage::Error => error
    # Stop loop if there is an error
    puts 'Error: ' + error.message

results.each { |r| puts r.address }
# 韓國館, 金山十一街, 金山里, Hsinchu 30082, Taiwan
# David Hazan 11, NO Jerusalem, Israel
# هرجيسا, Jameeco Weyn, Hargeisa, Somalia
# Китайское бистро, Apraksin Yard, Михайловский проезд ...

Running many parallel queries

We created two example scripts:

Before you start geocoding at high volume, please read our guide to geocoding large datasets where we explain various strategies and points to consider.

Install the Ruby gem

gem install geocoder

Or in your Gemfile:

source ''
gem 'geocoder'

Geocode an address

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'geocoder'

Geocoder.configure(lookup: :opencagedata, api_key: "YOUR-API-KEY")

results ="57 Erb Street West Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 6C2")

result = results.first

puts "#{result.latitude}, #{result.longitude}"
# output is 43.463796, -80.52608

Geocode coordinates

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'geocoder'

Geocoder.configure(lookup: :opencagedata, api_key: "YOUR-API-KEY")

results =[43.463796, -80.52608], reverse_geocode: true)

result = results.first

puts result.address
# output is "63 Erb Street West, Waterloo, ON N2L 1V4, Canada"

Install the Ruby gem

gem install geokit

Or in your Gemfile:

source ''
gem 'geokit'

Geocode coordinates

require 'geokit'

Geokit::Geocoders::OpencageGeocoder.key = 'YOUR-API-KEY'

Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order = [:opencage]

result = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode("51.2157153, 1.3903743")

puts "#{result.provider}: #{result.full_address}"
# Output is "opencage: Mill Road, South East, Kent, England, CT14 9BD, GB"

Geocode an address

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'geokit'

Geokit::Geocoders::OpencageGeocoder.key = 'YOUR-API-KEY'

Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order = [:opencage]

result = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode("900 Sycamore Drive")

puts "#{result.provider}: #{result.latitude}, #{result.longitude}"

Start your free trial

2,500 geocoding API requests per day.

No credit card required.